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The TEACH documentary, TEACH, Teachers are Talking, Is the Nation Listening? is a film that features conversations about
the art of teaching and learning by
teachers themselves. TEACH brings an important perspective to the national education debate that is currently being dominated by a corporate led agenda to privatize education and blame teachers for everything that is wrong with education in this country. This movie takes on many questions about No Child Left Behind, high stakes testing, unequal distribution of education resources, and schools dominated by data driven curriculum instead of providing an education that is dynamic, creative, exciting, and joyful. As I state in the movie, every day in the media we hear from the businesses, thinktankers, politicians, and administrators, this movie is about those who don't usually get heard. Many education movies that distort the truth and promote a business view of education have millions of dollars to promote their misinformation about education i.e. Waiting for Superman, please help us get this movie out to everyone in the country. This is the documentary that the nation is waiting for. The filmmakers of TEACH, Teachers are Talking, Is the Nation Listening are teachers in the Boston Public Schools.
Education Manifesto
A Manifesto was published in the Washington Post on Sunday, October 10, 2010. Below is the Manifesto and a response to it from a Boston Public Schools teacher.
Read Both Side by Side |
The Teach Film Channel features shorts, videos, segments, and testimony about teaching.
This site is dedicated to understanding and appreciating the work that teachers do in their classrooms. We recognize their thoughts, ideas, and opinions as highly valuable and important and through video we are giving them an avenue to be heard. There is much to learn through the eyes and hearts of those whose life work is educating children. Teachers know their students best. The educational research takes place here, with them, as they observe, analyze and reflect, carefully and conscientiously each student, each day. Giving voice and respect to those who have earned the title, “educator” will bring breath, spirit and value to this profession. We honor those who do this work.
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Children Left Behind
A Documentary about High Stakes Testing
by Louis J. Kruger, Psy.D., N.C.S.P.
Teach Preview 1
Jonathan Kozol
at BTU Forum
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