TEACH, Teachers are Talking, Is the Nation Listening? is a film that features conversations about the art of teaching and learning by teachers themselves. TEACH brings an important perspective to the national education debate that is currently being dominated by a corporate led agenda to privatize and profitize education and blame teachers for everything that is wrong with education in this country. This movie takes on many questions about No Child Left Behind, high stakes testing, unequal distribution of education resources, and schools dominated by data and test driven curriculum instead of providing an education that is dynamic, creative, exciting, and joyful. As the filmmakers state in the movie, "Every day in the media we hear from the businesses, thinktankers, politicians, and administrators, this movie is about those who don't usually get heard." The filmmakers of TEACH, Teachers are Talking, Is the Nation Listening? are teachers in the Boston Public Schools.
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TEACH, Teachers Are Talking, Is the Nation Listening? has received the
Indie Spec Best Cinematography Award from the Boston International Film Festival. TEACH has also been accepted into the Manhattan Film Festival.
TEACH examines the behind the scenes forces that are attacking teachers and their unions, promoting charter schools as the solution, and standardized testing as the primary determinant of student and teacher value. The film interviewed over 40 teachers from many school districts including Boston, Brooklyn, NY, Madison, WI, Key West, FL, North Conway, NH, Cambridge, MA, Newton, MA, Lincoln-Sudbury,MA, and others. Additional parts of the movie include legislative hearings, speeches, and debates between union and school officials, various public hearings about school closings, and various teacher rallies. The filmmakers traveled to Wisconsin to take part in the rallies and document the multitude of happenings there to fight to protect their unions. Included in the film are interviews and many scenes from the protests there including the rally of more than 100,000 people on February 26, 2011.
As stated in the subtitle, Teachers are Talking, Is the Nation Listening. We hope to bring the voices and wisdom of teachers to the nation.
TEACH One Minute Trailer
Please see an article in The Advocate is an article about TEACH entitled Award-Winning Film Gets the Story Straight. (also see front page)
See more reviews and articles:
We are renewing our call to have showings of TEACH as a starting point for discussion about the continued attacks against teachers and quality education. Please contact us to arrange a screening of TEACH. Email: filminfo (at) teachdocumentary.com or call us at 617 699-9349.



See Excerpts and Overture of TEACH
TEACH, The People Behind the Curtain
What's Happening to Our Public Schools
and TEACH Overture

News Bulletin
TEACH, Teachers are Talking, Is the Nation Listening? has been nominated for the Best US Documentary Feature Award from the International Film Festival of Manhattan 2012.
TEACH has also received the Indie Spec Best Cinematography Award from the Boston International Film Festival. |